Con el Pókemon Go un joven bajó 140 libras

Tommy Monkhouse creció como un niño aislado, no hablaba con personas y la poca inseguridad que tenía hacia sí mismo lo alejó de futuras amistades. Para empeorar su situación, cada día se le complicaba más verse ante un espejo, había subido una gran cantidad de peso que ya ni siquiera se reconocía. Sin embargo, su vida cambió cuando comenzó a jugar Pókemon Go.

De acuerdo al joven inglés, siempre había sido fanático de la caricatura japonesa, tras el lanzamiento del juego a través de una aplicación un conocido le recomendó que la usara. Decidido, un día salió a recorrer las calles de Londres.


El juego lo atrapó que, los 30 minutos que le dedicaba se convirtieron en 3 horas, fue así que comenzó a bajar de peso, y el cambio fue notable. Además de perder varias libras, creó una comunidad y forjó amistades que ahora considera como su familia. Hoy el chico camina cerca de 20 kilómetros y trata de estar en cada incursión y reto que hay en el juego.


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So I'm posting this in support of the #lewdment / @thelewdment Now I'm not a lewd cosplayer, I dont do any kind of lude content, but upon working on my weight loss, I conquered a fear based on something that a lot of people are judged for… going shirtless! Now for some, this might not be a big deal, but I got some judgement from some people as this is apparently seen as lude/crude! (Though for the most part I got support) This said, I wanna show my support because one day I'd love to do a shirtless Spidey pic and several other cosplays that require being shirtless! I've been bullied all my life, namely about my body! And because of that when I started losing weight, I wanted to promote body positivity! I may not be confident YET… but I'll get there! And this is the first step, by showing support and the community supporting each other through all this drama, it shows that we can all go through this together! Now I have several friends who do lude cosplay content and my view is… SO WHAT! No ones being hurt! And the fact that people say "Lude cosplayers arent real cosplayers and shouldnt be seen as such" is the stupidest thing ever! Especially because they'd be the first to be showing the content to their friends or speaking crudely about it! A cosplayer is a cosplayer! It takes alot of bravery to take on "Lude Cosplay" and however people want to cosplay is THEIR CHOICE! NOT YOURS! I support any kind of cosplayer and in my opinion AS LONG AS you're a good person, you'll always have my support! Theres enough hate in this world so hating on cosplayers is fucking ridiculous! @tommocosplays @ld.cosplays @euphoric.cosplay @ultronerdcosplays @steviesnowcosplay @momofpitbullscosplay And anyone else effected by the hate and bullying please know you have my love and support and dont let ANYONE bring you down! Lets show how much love there truly is in the cosplay community and show that bullies cant bring us down and the importance of body positivity! #lewdment #bodypositivity #antibullying #cosplay #support #love

A post shared by Tommy Linford Monkhouse (@tommy_linford_monkhouse) on

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